

Ticketmaster is the supplier of Ticketing services for McDonald Jones Stadium. Tickets for all major events are available from Ticketmaster or at the gate on the event day (subject to availability). Only purchase tickets through the venue's authorised seller, Ticketmaster.com.au to ensure authenticity. Tickets purchased through third party websites may not be valid and entry may not be permitted. 


Phone: (02) 4064 3080 (Please note, the McDonald Jones Stadium Box Office does not take phone bookings)

Online: www.ticketmaster.com.au

By person: Box office at McDonald Jones Stadium (see website for more locations)

McDonald Jones Stadium's Ticketmaster Box Office Hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Wheelchair and Special Access Ticketing 
If you have special seating requirements such as wheelchair access, hearing difficulties or you require companion seating please contact the Ticketmaster Accessible Bookings Team on 1300 446 925 or visit the Ticketmaster Box Office at McDonald Jones Stadium.